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제19회 제주국제관악•타악콩쿠르 경연곡

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2024 제주국제관악•타악콩쿠르 경연곡


2024 Jeju International Brass&Percussion Competition Repertoire

I. Tuba

1차예선 : 2곡


1) G. P. Telemann: Fantasy no. 7. 1st and 2nd movements only TWV 40:20 (Editions BIM)

(SOLO=no piano accompaniment) 

2) Kutrik Bence: Limerick (Kontrapunkt Music)


2차예선 : 3곡


1) C. Sturzenegger: L6 Anakrón X (Klarthe Editions)

2) L. Cherubini: Sonata no. 2. (Editions BIM)

아래의 곡 중 1곡 선택

1) M. Forbes: Grumpy Troll (Editions BIM) (SOLO)

2) Penderecki: Capriccio (Editions Schott)

3) Plog: Postcards V. (Editions BIM)

결선 : 1곡

1) J. Koetsier: Concertino String ensemble accompaniment (Editions BIM)


 II. Euphonium

1차예선 : 1곡


1) Pulcinella: Philip Sparke (Anglo Music Press)

2차예선 : 2곡


1) John Reeman : Sonata for Euphonium   (Studio Music)

2) Adam Wesolowski : Euphory Concerto 1st and 3rd movs  (digital download from www.euphoniumstore.net)

결선 : 1곡

1) Karl Jenkins : Euphonium Concerto (Boosey and Hawkes piano and orchestral version)



 III. Bass Trombone

 1차예선 : 2곡


1) Alex Knutrud : Tarmac for Unaccompanied Bass Trombone  (digital download https://www.imbrassworks.com/p/alexander-knutrud-tarmac/)

2) Prelude to Bach Cello Suite #2


2차예선 : 2곡 


1) Ricardo Molla : Sherezade (https://www.ricardomolla.com/en/product/sherezade-for-bass-trombone-and-piano-accompaniment/)

아래의 곡 중 1곡 선택

1)Jan Koetsier : Allegro Maestoso (Edition EMR)


2) Norman Bolter : Sagittarius2 (Edition Air-ev)


-> Bass Trombone: last note will be the low C in m. 191; Piano: play until m. 199. Do not play the left hand in m. 199 and do not continute into m. 200

 결선 : 1곡

1) Eric Ewazen : Ballade for Bass Trombone, Harp, and String Orchestra (Edition Southern Music)



IV. Percussion

1차예선 : 2곡


1) Elliot Carter : One movement from “Eight Pieces for Four Timpani” (Hal Leonard)

아래의 곡 중 1곡 선택

1) Csaba Zoltan Marjan : Niflheim (Edition Svitzer)

2) Joseph Schwantner : Velocities (Schott Music)

3) Keiko Abe : Marimba d'amore (Schott Music)

4) Andrew Thomas : Merlin 2nd movement only (Margun Music)

5) Anna Ignatowicz : Toccata (Norsk Musikforlag)

2차예선 : 3곡


1) Emmanuel Sejourne : Glints(4 movements all) -> https://www.alfonce-production.com/fr/vibraphone-solo/1311-4-glints.html?search_query=glints&results=1


Snare / 아래의 곡 중 1곡 선택

1) Alexej Gerassimez : Asventuras (Edition Svitzer)

2) Nicolas Martynciow : Tchik (Gerard Billaudot Editeur)

3) Askell Masson : Prim for Snare Drum (Edition Bim)

4)  Askell Masson : Kim for Snare Drum (Edition Bim)

5) Casey Cangelosi : Meditation No.1 (www.CaseyCangelosi.com)

아래의 곡 중 1곡 선택

1) Maki Ishii : Thirteen Drums(Mannheimer Musikverlag)

2) Eckhard Kopetzki : Canned heat (Southern Music Company)

3) Michio Kitazume : Side By Side (Zen On)

4) Iannis Xenakis : Rebonds A or B (Salabert)

결선 : 2곡

1) Ludwig Albert & Rodrigo F. Marques : PERMAFROST Concerto for marimba solo & symphonic orchestra (Splendid Arts Edition)

2) One piece of your choice for Snare, Vibes, Marimba or Timpani; can be with electronics (max. 10 minutes)

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